Bromo Mountain, Navigate the Holy Community of Mount Tengger
Mount Bromo (from the Sanskrit language / Ancient Java, Brahma, one of the Main Hindu Gods), is that volcanoes are still active and the most famous objects as a tourist in East Java. As an object for tourism, mountain Bromo be interesting because the status as the volcano is still active. Bromo has a height of 2,392 meters above sea level is located in the four areas, namely Moyo district, Pasuruan, Houston, and the district of Malang. The shape of the body Bromo mesh between the mountains and valleys of the canyon with Caldera or the wide sea of sand about 10 square kilometers. Mount Bromo has a crater with a diameter of ± 800 meters (north-south) and ± 600 meters (east-west). While the danger area a circle with a radius 4 km from the central crater Bromo. The existence of the Bromo Tengger suspected of originating from the terrible eruption of Mount Tengger (4,000 m) between 50,000 to 100,000 years ago. Caldera eruption this cause with a diameter of 8 km, which is surrounded by cliffs as high as 200 meters. Bromo Tengger can be reached from Bangkok with the purpose of the intercity bus Moyo, Houston, or Emerald from Terminal Purabaya (Bungurasih), Surabaya, to the bus terminal Moyo. Travel takes about 2.5 hours and forwarded to the Cemorolawang as far as 42 kilometers using minibuses for 1.5 hours. In Cemorolawang can relax in the hotel or inn that is. If you do not want to rest, able to direct Bromo far as 2.5 km by about 15 minutes with a jeep unique, 30-minute ride horses, or 1.5 hours of walking. Early days is the right time to climb Bromo opportunity to enjoy the beautiful sunrise at the peak. Travel to tour central object is heavy because the field should be not be passed by the 4 wheels vehicle normal, except we rent a jeep provided by the tour, so many tourists who walk to the central location. Ocean sand is the mainstay of mountain tourism Bromo, in the cool mountainous nature, we can see the sand and the wide meadow. Meanwhile, most awaited Bromo from the mountain is sightview when the sun rises and disappear because it will be clearly visible and very beautiful. Although the trip to Bromo very dusty, but I do not feel, because of the beauty that are presented truly extraordinary. For residents of Bromo, Tengger tribe, the mountain Brahma (Bromo) as a holy mountain. Once a year Tengger people hold ceremonies Yadnya Kasada or Kasodo. The ceremony is held in a temple, which is under the foot of Mount Bromo and continue north to the mountain top Bromo. Ceremony held in the middle of the night until early morning every full moon around 14 or 15 months in Kasodo (tenth), according to the Javanese calendar. Tengger tribe, which is located around the national park is a tribe of native Hindu religion. According to legend, the origins of the tribe from the Majapahit Kingdom insulate themselves. Unique, in the view of the population around (Tengger tribe) appears no fear despite Bromo know the mountain is dangerous, including many tourists who visit the National Park Bromo Tengger Semeru Kasodo at the ceremony. Kasodo ceremony held every year (December / January) on the full moon. Through the ceremony, the tribal community Tengger apply harvest exceeds the decline or ask for troops and cure of various diseases, namely how to present offerings to the crater with cast mountain Bromo, while the other must Tengger crater and down the cliffs to reach the capture offerings thrown into craters, as omen blessings from the Almighty. Bromo area, Tengger, Semeru will give you memories of ancient China for the season kujungan held between the months of June's October and December's January, the month because the community will start tengger events rituals and their exotic and magical.
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